Jane Garner has a double life – as a freelance journalist and as partner in the men’s underwear and swimwear website Deadgoodundies.com.
Jane trained as a journalist and has worked freelance, specialising in fashion, for 25 years. Clients have ranged from national and international consumer and trade magazines to the UK’s Department for Trade and Industry as well as overseas companies including the UPM Group, headquartered in Finland.
In 2007 Jane became a founding partner with Adam Davies in dedicated men’s underwear website www.deadgoodundies.com. Her writing skills and understanding of the fashion industry have worked brilliantly alongside former website designer Adam’s technical expertise. Today DGU stocks well over 20 brands of designer underwear for men, plus swimwear and beachwear, nightwear and loungewear, tops and T-shirts from their best selling collections.